
"From being homeless (in terms of education) to getting accepted by one of the best universities I had ever imagined, I credit all of my successes to these amazing counselors from the Second Chance program!"

Rupak Koirala


In about just a month, a group of women I had never known before have changed my life forever completely out of goodwill, no fees charged. I will forever be grateful and indebted to the Second Chance Organization for giving me my second chance at a dream college education and at a dream life

Michael Obeng


I was able to meet and interact with kind experienced counselors who guided me through the Second Phase of my application process, all Pro Bono. Furthermore, I got to meet talented and brilliant students from all around the world.

Ellis Edinkrah


Second Chance didn't just give me a second chance. It gave the opportunity to interact with amazing youths and counselors from different countries from whom I learnt a lot. It is not over until you give up, you are never rejected but just redirected.

Akonteh Alosius


It is indeed a blessing to be offered a seat into a university of high quality outside my home country on a full ride scholarship.Just as I have been given much, I hope to pay it forward whenever I can.

Emmanuella Tehteh



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