All Second Chance students have an orientation where students are informed about the importance of honesty, flexibility, transparency, integrity, and collaboration, which is critical to each student's success at Second Chance. Students are introduced to their pro bono counselors, who serve as advocates, mentors, and coaches.
Every Second Chance student is assigned a pro bono guidance counselor (PBGC) who helps the student navigate the college application process. PBGCs hold individual and group meetings with students. Students learn about Higher Ed Institutions (HEI) in multiple countries, and counselors coach them through these unfamiliar application processes, and direct them to English medium HEIs where scholarships are still available after April 1. The procedure to apply for each institution can be found here.
From 2018-2022, SC successfully supported, mentored, and placed 101 international students at new universities with a full or near-full scholarship, AFTER April 1st.
These 101 students were from the following 15 countries: Brazil, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Turkey, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, S Sudan, Uganda.
The case of 60 Nepali students whose scholarships were revoked by UT TYler in 2018. Read more here.
Pratima Thami, nationally-recognized student from Nepal who had no offers of admission after applying in the 2019-2020 admissions cycle. We helped her get a last minute seat at the Watson Institute at Lynn University. Read more here.
Nhial Deng, a refugee from Kakuma Refugee Camp, admitted to UC Berkeley in 2021, with no financial aid. We helped him find a new university with a full scholarship after the admissions cycle was over. He's now at Huron University in Canada. See video here.
Because access to higher education is critical for social and economic opportunity, and global mobility.
Because tertiary education empowers students, giving them the tools they need to make a more significant impact and contribution to their communities.
Because every year, thousands of students are rejected from US universities simply because they are from low-income backgrounds. Trying to get a full scholarship is insanely competitive.
Second Chance students are encouraged to pay it forward by supporting each other, mentoring other students from Second Chance and promise to pay for a flight ticket for another Second Chance student in the future, when they are able to.