Resources 2023
University of Pecs
FOR U PECS:Majors available
- Social Sciences, Humanities, and Natural Sciences, Health Sciences - yes
- Engineering, Business, Medicine - NO
What did I learn today?
the importance in everyone succeeding instead of succeeding individually
I learnt that I have to be open minded about where I might end up. And that if I'm not supposed to be there I won't.
I've learned much about the SC Program, especially the experiences of our past Cohorts, the opportunity that we have, and make the best out of it.
I'm not alone and I've got all the help that i need to make it through this experience.
this whole process is very stressful and draining and with the help of everyone working together, we can achieve things greater than even ourselves..
It was very interesting getting to meet such a diverse cohort and meeting the different counselors. I think I learned that its great to push my limits and its really exciting
there is always a second chance, but you have to remember that don't get more than one chance at the expense of others. We only truly win when we all are successful.
Past resources
MSU Gratitude video
Huge congratulations to Prijam!
Prijam, we at Second Chance are proud of you and we want to wish you the smoothest transition as you move from Nepal to the US. We know you are in good hands at MSU. Sujata, thank you for being an incredible school counselor to Prijam and Mala, thanks for being a wonderful pro bono SC counselor to her.
SC Reflection meeting
May 02,2022
Thanks to Ms Kavita for leading the reflection meeting. Everyone had some amazing things to reflect on and they all believe that this experience has helped them identify their mistakes and introduced them to friends from all over the world. Thanks SC cohort for sharing your vulnerable stories. However, Ngoni wins the award for Most INsightful comment of the night, as he spoke about identity and college.
Thanks everyone for the contributions.