We are here to help! Reach out

Second Chance is a global initiative that supports high achieving, low income (HALI) students who did not receive any financially viable offers (FVO) of admission/financial aid during the regular US admissions process. (We discuss what we mean by a "financially viable offer" below.) This program gives you a second chance at being admitted to a high-quality English-medium university outside of your home country with the financial aid or scholarship that will allow you to pursue a full undergraduate education.


This program gives students a second chance at enrolling at a high quality university in the world that still has scholarships available after April 1. Students selected for this program have access to expert guidance, support, and mentorship as they complete a second round of university applications. This program is free.

We look for high-impact students who are globally minded, resilient, adaptable, and open minded. Students need to be coachable, swift, and must be willing to apply to universities in East Asia, South East Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, in addition to the United States and Canada.  

With the help of the core counselor team and many destiny-bending admissions officers and institutions, 61 talented students are now attending higher education institutions in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, Nepal, Qatar, South Korea, United States

In fact, many will graduate from college this year. Here are their stories.

Main areas of our focus 

Cohort and community model

As a member of the Second Chance Cohort 2023, you will have the benefit of expert counseling guidance, support, coaching, and mentorship as you complete a second round of university and financial aid applications (in April, May, and June 2023). During and after university, you will also become part of an incredible Second Chance alumni community and network. Second Chance uses a cohort model. This means we work with you as a cohort and not just as individuals, and our larger goal is to ensure that everyone in Cohort 2023 gets access to higher education.

 SC students learn

  • How to self-advocate
  • How to geo-swerve from one country to another
  • How to present qualifications and strengths compellingly
  • How to communicate effectively
  • How to make informed, swift decisions that will create a good foundation for your future

Distinctive approach

We want everyone in the Second Chance program to get a seat at a university with a scholarship. As part of the SC Cohort, you may not "collect scholarship offers", at the expense of your peers. Therefore, the first financially viable offer you receive, is the offer you must take.

University placement and scholarship

  • Finding and presenting universities that offer financial aid / scholarships after April 1.
  • Offering information sessions / webinars to introduce students to new higher education institutions.
  • Advising on interviews, essays, applications, and application strategy.
  • Offering expertise on higher education markets and help students make informed decisions.
  • Advising on interviews, essays, applications, and application strategy.
  • Assisting students in evaluating any financial aid offers.











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